For those who work in corporate environments that contain legacy applications, your users may be forced to use Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode for your entire domain to get these older applications to work in modern browsers.

Unfortunately, the default behavior of Compatibility Mode will likely wreak havoc on your “modern” application unless you force your application to be served in “Edge” mode, which as of today for most environments probably means IE 11. Read the rest of this entry »

It is pretty well documented (see below) how to use the ternary operator in Kendo Grid Column Templates, for instance to conditionally check or disable a checkbox.

I was able to get that functionality working easily, but struggled when I needed to combine both the checked and disabled attributes within a single condition expression. I could not get the syntax right and kept getting template compile runtime errors. Read the rest of this entry »

If you are monkeying around with your time zone settings with a Visual Studio project open, for some, inexplicable reason, the project may fail to build after changing the time zone. Moreover, there will not be an error message in the error list.

Fortunately, closing and reopening Visual Studio should allow it to build again, and is probably a much simpler solution than for the problem that is causing you to change time zones in the first place.

I have a Kendo UI grid with a variety of columns, including one that displays a calculated value for “Days Until Travel”, which is always an integer result.

One particularly thorough tester noted that when using the grid’s built-in numeric textbox filter, entered values were being displayed as decimal values, rather than integers, although the filtering was still working correctly.

This issue was not ranked as a “show stopper”, and I finally got around to looking into it today. A judicious search term brought me to this post in the Telerik forums that describes exactly how to customize the display of the filter for integer display, much to my surprise.

Like most grid customizations, the solution involves overriding the default behavior with a little bit of JavaScript, using the previously unknown (to me) UI extension to define a function that specifies a number format with zero decimal places. See the link above for the details.

I ran into this unexpected problem when pressing the Enter key from within fields on certain forms in an Angular application. The short answer is to add a type=”button” attribute to any buttons that aren’t explicitly intended for form submission.

At first, I thought it was something specific to Kendo UI, but after doing a little more research, I stumbled upon this post, whose accepted answer addressed the problem perfectly. Thanks to S.O user Catsbergers for the solution.

Evidently, the default behavior may vary across browsers when no type is specified, so it should be a best practice to include one.

I was using some ForeignKeys columns as DropDownLists in a Kendo MVC grid, and got it to work pretty easily (after reading G’s comment about creating the EditorTemplate, that is).

While editing, however, one of my values was not being posted by Edit or Create mehtods. After confirming that my code was correct and some head-scratching, a little research on Stack Overflow revealed the problem: the grid won’t bind fields whose underlying type is Nullable.

Here is the Stack Overflow post (Note: not the accepted answer) that revealed the problem, as well as a link that describes the solution in detail (see snippets 9 and 10).

Thanks to Wagar for pointing out the solution to this rather esoteric behavior.

Here is a link to a Plunk that demonstrates how to extend the Angular-based ui-router-tabs library to include an icon in a custom heading that toggles along with the validation state of the corresponding view.

In the image below, View 1 has some validation error, while View 2 is OK. The solution uses Angular validation, watches, and a service to implement the functionality.


Special thanks to Stack Overflow member tasseKatt for his troubleshooting assistance.

Here is a snippet for setting up a Kendo UI DataSource for OData using the Fluent API and passing in credentials:

kendo odata

Kendo OData DataSource with Fluent API and credentials

The JSHint component of Visual Studio’ Web Essentials will point out plenty of problems with your JavaScript code, sometimes though some of the messages are not useful.

For example, if you are using Kendo UI in your project, you will get a message “‘kendo’ is not defined” for each instance of a kendo component in a given JS file. Read the rest of this entry »

At one time, I had Fiddler setup to decrypt HTTPS traffic, and it was working.

After having not used the feature for some time, I found that “something” had caused it to stop working, moreover I was getting the dreaded “Proxy server not responding…” message whenever I would capture traffic.

After a little research and tweaking, I could capture, but only over HTTP. After more fiddling (ha ha) around, I found this post about the Fiddler Certmaker add-on, which has restored the functionality.